Welcome to the Monolithic Incorporated online information database.


In corresponding colours!

A Logo.

round and round!

A Scr'ee text revolver made by Xiphias (this is a biggish file ~400kb)

for fast killing!

The Advanced Fighter Plant

With the Logo on the back for easy identification if someone steals itBut Then, who is likely to be able to steal it

The Behemoth. Super Unit of the Rhyoss!

Guess the Plant!you will need more than one hand to count the barrels of this!

A Rhyoss Plant and The Hellfire Bombardment Ship

Actually I prefer this guyThe Shiny new commander

The Old (left) and New (right) Rhyoss commanders

He may give you a headacheYour standed navy killing machines

A Concussion Corvette and a Rhyoss Cruiser

Cruisin' around in a cruiserKABOOOM!

A Cruiser and the Deep Impact LRPC (long range plasma cannon)

A.K.A Super Battleshiplook at that energy pulse!

Rhyoss Dreadnought and Energy Storage

Builds FrigatesThe Best Rhyoss is a dead Rhyoss?

A Frigate Plant and The Rhyoss Mobile Flak Hover's corpse


The Oblivion

Its a Gunship, With a gun!Better than normal fighters- Advanced fighters!

The Rhyoss Gunship and the Scr'ee advanced Fighter plant

Builds (yes you guessed it) corvettesBuilds frigates

Scr'ee corvette Lab and frigate plant

Long Range Tower?

The Scr'ee LRT